Fisher Bros Electrical Wiring in Melbourne

Electrical wiring at your home involves the connection of different appliances and equipment in your home to your electrical installation system. Some of them may include air conditioners, automated garage doors, television, and your home security system (cameras, alarms, etc.).

It is important to choose the best type of electrical wiring systems and circuits for your home. Fisher Brothers Electrical Contractors has a team of experts and technicians that can help you in doing this.

Why Choose the Parallel Electrical Circuit?

When it comes to choosing the correct electrical circuit for your home, the parallel circuit is preferred over the series circuit. Below are some of the reasons why:

  1.   Electrical components in the parallel circuit are independent of each other. It is common to hear homeowners complaining of turning on one switch and it prompts several appliances to turn on as well. A parallel circuit allows for each switch and appliance to be turned on at its own given time.

There is no dependency between the circuits even though they are interlinked.

  1.   Fault in one circuit does not affect the rest of the circuits. This is a major advantage compared to its series circuit counterpart where a fault in any of the components in the circuit impedes the complete circuit from operating.
  2.   It has a much more coherent voltage. In the parallel series, the existing voltage across the different components is the same unlike in the latter. This means there will be a joint operation in the running of your voltage and everything else.

For example, if you have bulbs with the same watts, they will all have the same brightness.

  1.   Allows for the addition or removal of other components. Other wiring choices do not allow for this. For example, you can add in another bulb and turn it on and off without affecting the rest of the circuit.
  2.   Ease of troubleshooting. Components operating independently of one another allow for quick identification of the affected area and consequently its repair.

Electrical Services Offered in Melbourne

Fisher Brothers Electrical Contractors have divisions ready to aid in the electrical wiring at your home or business premises. These trained professionals are highly skilled and trained to provide you with various electrical services you might require in Melbourne.

The following are some of the works our experts can help you with:

Safety Switches

Does your wiring system comply with the Energy Safe Victoria regulations? Fisher Brothers Electrical DOMESTIC division ensures your system meets these regulations.

Safety switches aid the detection of a problem(s) in your circuit. Whenever they detect a problem that may be of risk to you, they cut off the power supply within 0.03 of a second ensuring your safety and that of your appliances.

They are not to be confused with circuit breakers or surge diverters. You can differentiate safety switches from the latter by the safety button and 30ma print on them. A safety switch label may also be present.

Circuit breakers and surge diverters cannot protect you against electric shock in case of a fault in the circuit. A safety switch will. Our experts will help you with its installation.

Switchboard Upgrades

Many homes in Melbourne are equipped with old switchboards in their electric systems. Most of these have fuse boards that cannot provide an adequate supply of power to the modern appliances in your home. They also pose a great risk of electrically triggered fires.

Modern switchboards are equipped with automatic safety switches and circuit breakers that protect you, your home, or your business premise against electrocution and other electric hazards in case of an electric fault.

Here at Fisher Brothers Electrical Contractors, we will help you with the selection and installation of the best switchboards for your upgrade.

Rewire Specialists

You might be experiencing different electrical problems in your home such as flickering lights, dimmed lights, low voltage in some sockets, etc. These problems may be a result of using old wires and components in your electrical wiring system.

Fisher Brothers Electrical has a team of experts that will help rewire your whole system to have an improved and better experience that ensures safety when it comes to using your electric system.

Rewiring can be quite expensive and time-consuming. We offer these services at an affordable price and advise our customers on whether their electrical wiring system requires rewiring or repairs. Our team of highly skilled technicians also ensures to do the job quickly and efficiently for a smooth client experience.

Mains Upgrade

Your home or business premises may require the installation of equipment that calls for an increase in the capacity of electrical supply. For example, installation of a high-end home theatre system or a ducted A/C system.

We conduct a mains power upgrade that will provide a reliable power supply for your electrical system components. 

Overhead to Underground Conversions

There are several reasons you might want to switch from overhead poles to the use of underground pillars. Overhead poles usually undergo a lot of maintenance due to a variety of reasons.

They call for tree maintenance along the lines. They may also incur heavy damages during harsh weather conditions such as storms. In case a power line falls, it might lead to safety hazards such as electrocution.

Underground conversions together with the use of electrical pit installations highly reduce the chances of such happenings. They also improve the general appearance of your property.

Fisher Brothers Electrical Contractors are here for you

Are you experiencing any problems with your electrical wiring system? Do you feel like it might need an upgrade?

Our team of highly skilled experts and professionals is here to answer any questions you may have regarding your electric system. They will also advise you on the best choice of path to follow.

We also offer other electrical services such as home automation, home security upgrades, lighting, etc. You can call us on (03) 9532 0681 or visit our website for more information.


Ready to discuss your project? Get in touch we’d love to hear from you.

Call us today (03) 9532 0681 and we’ll get it done.